DlgltaUte ArchUectur1e (Y.aounde, Cameroon): Led by 1Edouard Din, Digitalite is a fultl-serv1·ce
architectura’I pracUce based ~n Yaounde, Cameroon. Mr . DllN has significant experience btr~nging
I arge-sca!lle a rchitectura I 1proje cts to fru~ tion in Cameroon, and has fh e ~o cal kn owl edge t10 bring in
the, ne,eded engineering experts for different aspects of the project. He has a PhD in Architecture
from Georgia !Institute of Technology, and was the D~r,ector of Habitat at the Mfnistry of Housing
and Urban Pla;nning for nearly 4 yea.rs. Digitalite wHI be responsible for bringing the conceptual
design and engineering delivered by HOK and WSP to full per1mitted construction draw~ngs.